Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Cut down the buying and play more

Using toys the way they were not intended to be used. It's amazingly fun and stress free.

After a trip to the Zoo, it's time to settle the little people to their beds.(Craft felt were used as their blankets and blocks as their beds)

It's morning time. Getting everyone out of their bed and making their beds.

Celebrating the little people's 1 year old birthday.(Golf pin as the candle, block and mosaic as cake, puzzle as their seats)

Cutting the cake and sharing with everyone.(Stack and tumble cups were used)

Driving them to school and everyone please go to your seats.
Gracia:"I want to be the teacher" and started to teach.

3rd yi zhang:"Ok Gracia, can shift your toys, it's dinner time." and she broke into loud cries. She is totally into the fun that it takes a while for her to accept it's dinner time.. :)

Amazingly fun! We spent a fruitful evening together while waiting for gangsterdad to return from work with a real cake.

Posted by Lina.