Sunday, August 3, 2008

Wife Culinary Improve

My mum's already not with us for about a week, she should be in China by now. My wife took this golden opportunity to experiment her cooking style and to pampered me ofcos. Her first dish was 'kai lan' veggie that tasted a little bit bitter, too bad i forgot to take any picture of it. But she manage to cover up her unsuccessful dish with more appetizing one. In fact it tasted so good that it's hard to believe at first she cooked it herself if i didn't witness it with my own eyes.

Below are a few dishes Lina tried recently and the score i give them:
Sorry i did not take photo of the first one because i was lured by the smell and only care to taste it quickly and forgot about the rest.

1) Potato with Chicken chop = 9.5 ... "I LOVE POTATO

Image: Fried chicken with sweet sour sauce = 8/10 point

Image: Chicken with broccoli = I wanted to give a 8.5 but Gracia hint me with her gluttonous look and suggest me to give more, so final conclusion 9.5/10

To my wife: Thank you so much for preparing all this fabulous foods even with the inconvenience of our Gracia around. I feel fully nourish and blessed. Your cooking skill has truly improve.

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