Friday, May 2, 2008

Children Love To Make Their Own House

There is something fascinating about the miniature world of the 'make believe house' which has enchanted many children. It is the chance to act out the lives of their own tiny family. For others, the appeal is in lovingly decorating and furnishing each room to create a beautiful model home. Whatever the reason, our gracia sure seem to enjoy making her own with the help of her mother.

One of the most appealing factors of making 'self believe houses' for parents is the educational value they offer. Through playing with her little own house, a child can learn a great deal about the world around them. The choices a child makes about how the house is decorated and furnished will also help them to develop imaginative and creative skills which they will find extremely useful in later life.

The benefits of playing make believe can be found physically and mentally. Physically we know the benefits strength endurance and builds coordination. Playing together with your child is also valuable for babies. In many ways it promotes their development and social skill. Babies, toddlers and preschoolers are sensory-motor learners. Besides all the benefits, playing stretches children's thinking and knowledge. Children need coordination, they need a chance to practice their basic physical skills. 'Make believe house' playing time also allows children to move freely and make noise, forms of self-expression.

Our Daughter seems to enjoy every part of it.

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