This topic is not targeting at anyone, not personally for my wife, not for any of my friend either. It can be for anyone whom she think it may concern. It may also be for Gracia when she grow up to be other people's wife. It can also be in respond to our Singapore government for urging their citizen to get married and have babies soon after. Anyway, it's just my two cents worth of comments.
It used to be said that love is blind and
without condition, I guess it's not anymore in this generation. Women nowsaday are more knowledgeable. They read more, travel more, and many of them even earn more than their male counterpart. They are more capable than any of the generation before them. In fact in Berlusconi and Spain more than half of their
cabinet minister are women.
I do not discriminate women, in fact i feel that women in our century have contributed much to the society and without them, our economy will not be as prosper as what it is now. But here comes a question, as how do those pool of women balance their ability they acquire into relationship and at work. Like i had said, love is not blind anymore, because women nowsaday read more, exposed more and know more and thus they judge more and will not choose anything below par, not even for the sake of just love anymore.
Women today may not need guys to earn alot because they themselves is capable of bringing bread onto their table, perhaps even more than that. But bread aside, they now require guys to be good in other area such as being a good, caring and responsible father whom will not only play with their children but also shower them, change their diaper, feed, teach, nurture them and the likes. Not limited in this area of fatherhood, it's best that if he can perform as well as being an excellent son-in-law, a caring husband and a capable employee at his work place. A new age husband who doesn't read will have no advantage over those who can't read at all.
Many of my lower educated friends who doesn't upgrade or read to keep themselves updates on general issues find it hard to please a local women. Most of them end up marrying foreign lady, mostly from third world country such as Vietnam, Thailand or rural China.
If i were to be a local women, who went to school and got a decent certificate. Travel as much, read, earn and know alot. I would probably do the same and will not compromise choosing someone much below my standard and have difficulty communicating with me. While it's not wrong to ask for someone whom is intellectually capable of exchanging ideas, dreams and aspiration with you. Have you yourself forgotten how to put down all your knowledge, all your status, skills and power you attained and just be a loving and caring women or wife.
My advise to a happy marriage is that, while it is absolutely normal for a intelligent, clever and smart lady to ask for the same if not more for a partner. Don't forget you're still a women and the man you're going to love deserve respect from you. If you want a truly fine husband, respect him at the level at which you want him to reach. A man will usually not rise above the level at which his wife respects him.” This is a general principle, not a hard and fast rule because God does not put accountability or responsibility for a man’s character on his wife.
Nevertheless, strong evidence indicates a woman holds great power to make or break a man. In his book His Needs, Her Needs, Willard Harley amends the saying “Behind every great man is a great woman” to “Behind every great man is an admiring wife.”
So my two cents worth of advise is that, choose the best you can and want for a husband. But never bring in your power, knowledge and your superiority into the relationship and forget about respecting your him as the head of the family.
Here is a guide on :
10 Steps Towards Respecting Your HusbandRemember, God is working on you and your husband. You can both learn from your failures as well as your successes. Give God the freedom to teach your husband through failure. In the same way, give God the freedom to teach you to trust Him through your husband’s failure.
And finally for all the husband - Remember Ephesians 5:33 = Each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband."